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LG x NEAT Method

I’m so excited to share with you that we have partnered with NEAT Method on the organization of our Material Cabinet at LG Studio + Shop Headquarters.

Over the years, we have had the pleasure of working with NEAT Method in different ways. When thinking of an organization partner for our new office space, we knew they were the ones that would get the job done beautifully! If you’re a fan of organization like me, you know there are so many innovative ways to organize any given space. Whether it’s your fridge, pantry, closet, or drawers, there’s just so much to organize! 

Katie, the Founder of NEAT Method SD & OC, was vital in our transition of offices. She made the whole process so much smoother. From assessing products to looking at what would stay and go, she was there every step of the way. Our new studio is a dream, all thanks to the help from Katie and her team in organizing our cabinets! Interested in finding out how NEAT Method works? Look below to find out all about how the process went for us!

What Does NEAT Method Do?

Think of NEAT like spring cleaning on steroids. They’re organization experts and can help transform any space. Whether it’s your office, kitchen, garage, or somewhere else, they’ve got you covered. They offer three services: home organizing, moves & relocations, and virtual organizing. 

What Was Organized & How?

Let’s dive right in – our Materials Cabinet spans one wall in our new office and is inclusive of 5 columns with large wide doors that open to shelving organized with named baskets for easy access. Below the cabinet doors are deep wood drawers with double tiered wood organizers filled with tiles, hardware, and more. Our design team is thrilled with having all of these design elements all in one place and readily accessible.

What Can NEAT Method Organize?

The thing I love most about NEAT Method is that they’re so on top of things. They’re very professional, meet deadlines, and are always just a phone call or email away. When we were in the process of moving our office, they truly helped us out. From old filing cabinets to decor, furniture, trinkets, and more, NEAT helped us purge and condense our “stuff”. 

If you want your space to look Pinterest-worthy or your office to look like it’s straight out of a magazine, NEAT is your solution. 



My Experience With NEAT Method

If you struggle with organization or simply don’t have the time to take hours and hours to label and organize, consider hiring a professional! From labeling absolutely everything, figuring out what materials should go where and how they should be presented, NEAT Method did it all! If you can’t tell I’m a huge fan of NEAT Method after using their services and recommend them to all my clients. 


Thanks so much for stopping by! If you end up using NEAT Method be sure to tag me on Instagram @LindyeGalloway and let me know all about it!

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